I'll resume here what I consider a rather fresh approach to the problem and possible solutions. Once more I believe the effective way is much closer to a clever understanding of its psychological origin than some super-disciplined enforcement. I call this topic execution blocking.
Execution Blocking - basics
All of us have had the experience of getting some valuable task stuck in our to-do list. The day passes by and "unbelievably" it just doesn't get done! Rushed explanations for the mystery may range from the classical lack of time to any sort of excuse around you - open space, interruptions, boss emergencies, your colleague's lack of planning, technology, etc... Full of accumulated pressure, we may urge: "I have to be more organized! I have to learn to say no! I have to be more disciplined, more focused!", and so on. Guilty feelings may arise, possibly helped by incredulous complains: "How the hell did you let two weeks go by on this?".
It's just so absolutely logical that you should have done it, you may fall into the only possible truth you see left: "I just can't make a simple delivery on time. I'm really no good with deadlines. I'm a failure." (if that's the case, you really want to recall the initial bold statement of this article: "Our brain is...")
The other end of the problem

Uncertainty, decisions and fear of failing

Detecting avoidance behaviour
There are many types and sub-types of situations with blockin ingredients. I've selected 4 important origins, easy to recognize and to trigger corresponding unblocking procedures (presented in today's TRICK).
Beware that more than one can (and will) be found cumulatively in the same situation, and th

(solutions for each in today's TRICK)
1. Ill defined tasks: are you lacking proper instructions?
2. Not really sure this is the one: have you really decided that the task in question is definitely a good enough choice for investing your precious time? are you concerned it may not be the best call?
This could be because there's so much to do, that committing to one task means leaving other important ones pending and it doesn't seem right (this is also a matter of focus, as previously addressed). It's like you are not sure if it will optimize your investment of time. Imagine you are at the supermarket. You know there's a huge list of important things missing but you realize you only have 20$. While you may feel quite certain you need olive oil, you refrain from committing right away until you see a kind of global master plan make some sense within your limited budget. You may need the global picture first before starting. Note that in your to-do list, computing the master plan of where to invest your time may never end if you keep adding stuff to the list, and can be deceivably tempting to get rid of little tasks just to make the calculation easier.
Also look for some inner sense of uselessness. It could be a stupid report you know no one will read, or making a list of contacts you don't believe will work. If you don't believe it's worth it, and will only do it because you "kind of have to", you will strongly resist it until you've crossed all the deadlines and there's no option but to face it.
In both cases the blocking is trying to avoid a possible later regret of having wasted precious time in the wrong issue. Also note that, if you don't really know how long it will take - very long tasks -, your sense of worthiness (time/profit) may get impossible to calculate, which tends to get it blocked just in case (e.g. "organize photos").
3. There's uncertainty or need for decisions within the execution itself? Will you be moving towards possible surprises? Will you have do risk decisions along the way?
Maybe the task involves using a printer that sometimes doesn't work, or a software you're not familiar with. Or maybe you don't know if you have all the receipts and correct paper files so your IRS declaration gets blocked until the last minute. Or you have to go to the dentist, which sometimes is painful, others not, and so scheduling the appointment seems simple but it's not. Maybe you have to contact someone difficult to reach, that never answers your calls or emails and you're not sure if you're being too insisting. Maybe you have to talk about a difficult issue to your wife, whose reaction is unpredictable. Even sending a proposal to a prospect client may get you diving into an ocean of uncertainty for uncertain time, having to decide then the best moment for the follow up call. All these will produce a particular type of natural resistance.
4. Can you do it? Are you in doubt if you can complete the task successfully?
A wider variation of the previous one. Something seems too great to be achieved. It's too difficult. If you start it, maybe you won't be able do deal with what comes after. You may fail, or take the wrong decision, and everyone will think less of you. If you don't believe you can, you don't want to do go ahead towards failure, right? Maybe you can do it, but will regret later not having done it better - perfectly. Maybe it's not clear what success means in that particular issue. This type of blocking ranges from writing a book to an errands trip out of the office.
Unblock yourself with the strength that "not risking" is failing your mission.
On my next article, I'll be finishing Chapter II - Action Oriented, analysing the impact of action oriented on interpersonal productivity (meetings, delegation, status reporting, ...).
Until then, try a TRICK!...
Gonçalo Gil Mata
|T| Detect and Unblock valuable tasks...>>
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