When you see yourself avoiding important tasks and issues that you feel you should be addressing, run the following checklist of possible reasons and follow corresponding unblocking procedures.
Early in the morning, when you're browsing your to-do list, (preferably before checking e-mail), find at least one important pending issue and make a brave decision. That will start up the General - you'll need him wide awake and ready for service...
Make sure you have robot-instructions in your to-do list. In the rush of the day you'll escape items that require decisions. Using verbs is a simple way to test it.
As much as it may seem handy to keep many windows open in your screen, ready to work with, they are more likely to become a focus trap. Instead, have a super easy super quick way to open whatever you want in a blink and keep fewer windows and tabs open.
Use at least a part of your day to Deep-Focus activites. Allow yourself to disconnect from everything(!) for a period of time and dive into some high-value complex tasks.
If you want to optimize your focus at any moment, take a piece of paper and write down what you're thinking of - specially, what are you worriyng about?